As the summer months wind down, and we spend fewer days at the beach, the pool, or traveling, there’s one thing on the minds of parents in Hermosa Beach and beyond: How best to prepare our kids to re-enter the classroom, come Fall back-to-school time! With pop quizzes, exams and homework looming, we want to give them the best leg-up on their academic careers. Based on evidence, MHBOT sessions at our Hermosa Beach location can do wonders for your school-aged child’s mental clarity and focus!

Cerebral Blood Flow & Brain Function: From Scatterbrained to Mathlete!

MHBOT sessions at our Hermosa Beach center provides the administration of 100% oxygen at an environmental pressure greater than one atmosphere absolute (ATA), increasing the oxygen in your body at a level that can improve the functioning of all bodily organs, including the brain. The brain requires more oxygen to function than any other organ in the body. When the amount of oxygen that reaches the brain is increased, brain function increases also.

How Does MHBOT Improve Cognitive Function?

A key to high cognitive performance is adequate blood flow, i.e., circulation. During your MHBOT session at our Hermosa Beach center, your circulation will improve, thanks to the optimal administration of oxygen at a clinically proven pressure that increases the oxygen to all bodily organs. As a result, you can expect the following areas to benefit from a notable boost in performance: quality of sleep, brain metabolism, overall cognitive functions, memory, and brain microstructure. Strengthening cognitive functions will improve your student’s academic performance in a variety of critical ways. They will experience a higher level of focus, improved memory (great for studying and those surprise pop quizzes!), heightened concentration, and a longer attention span. Additionally, their improved quality of sleep will let them begin each school day fresh and ready-to-learn.

“In a[…] recent study with a cohort of healthy young adults, HBOT increased spatial working memory and memory quotient,” according to the National Library of Medicine.“ In these studies, HBOT resulted in an improved learning curve and higher resilience to interference of episodic memory in the healthy young adults, and induced cognitive enhancements in healthy aging adults”.

In addition to improving cognitive function, MHBOT sessions help to protect brain health in a number of ways. The oxygen circulated through the brain during a session fights off oxidative stress, which would otherwise kill off brain cells over the long term. It also lowers neuroinflammation, which can be caused by environmental and other stressors. So not only will your kid’s Hermosa Beach MHBOT sessions improve their focus and test scores – it will also improve the long term health of their brain, maintaining their thinking skills for years to come!

If your kid is anxious about heading back to school, struggles with sitting still and focusing during the day, or just wants to boost their academic performance, we invite you to come by our Hermosa Beach MHBOT center and let them try out an MHBOT session with us. You can book online here or call at (310) 942-2202. They will feel the benefits, and you can rest easy knowing that you’re giving them a leg-up on their studies.